in the balance

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in the balance

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:42:12

in the balance基本解释

(生命等)在危急状态中; (命运等)未定


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1. In practice it is not easy to get the balance right between feasible business models and their social impact.

2. Goldman Sachs Group Inc upgraded the stock to'buy'in December, saying that Dell's net cash balance presents an opportunity for a leveraged buyout.

3. By emphasizing measures to balance supply and demand in the property market, the central government is trying to drive home the necessity to fully implement them.

4. Athletes will be served three meals a day in the cafeteria, with a menu that strikes a balance between Chinese and British dishes.

5. That in turn, strained the balance sheets of most lenders and prompted them to look for capital replenishment.

6. Forests help to balance the global production and storage of carbon dioxide, thereby playing a vital role in regulating climate change.

7. Analysts estimated the company enjoys a sizeable cash balance, generating close to $ 10 billion in cash last year.

8. Despite projected decreases in the cash and investment balance, it has sufficient resources to meet the policy objectives and construction targets.

9. Tianjin - " Balance " is a catchphrase in the ongoing United Nations climate meeting in Tianjin.

10. The central government is planning to move away from its policies encouraging exports to achieve a balance in trade.

1. Moreover, it will re-examine the traditional three monopoly behaviors, stress their regulatory system standards, and discuss whether they are conducive to economic and social development, whether they can co-ordinate better balance between kinds of interests, in particular the human rights and consumer care. At the same time, it will make analysis regulations and countermeasures.

2. in the balance的翻译

2. A type of ink products, mixing produce grey CMY value is constant, that is, a certain proportion of the ink of gray balance is constant values, so we measured the ink gray balance, you can according to that balance to correction image so business card printing and membership card crafted image in adjusted accurately reproduce color appearance of remedying the shortcomings of this kind of ink.

3. It is reason that more Ca~(2+) can destroy the balance of electrostatic and hydration shell in the milk system hardly. Homogenization is key to the pinenut milk process attributed to emulsifies enhanced the particles interaction and stability.

4. In the world of perfect competition in which only two nations trade asingle good with each other, the balance of payments of a nation willreflect only a current accountbalance composedof the trade balance.


5. Inthe world of perfect competition in which only two nations trade asingle good with each other, the balance of payments of a nation willreflect only a current accountbalance composedof the trade balance.

6. in the balance的意思

6. The total of the figures in the first column should balance with the total of those in the third.

7. See how it performs in this aspect as the two may balance or offset each other.

8. in the balance是什么意思

8. Balance is the offset or equivalence in amount or quality of opposite aspects.

9. In offset, control-and-ink balance is an important issue, and the implementation of the balance between the need to offsctdruckereien a process.

10. in the balance

10. This thrust to the Dabie Mountains marks a shift in the war`s strategic balance, with the Communists beginning to assume the strategic offensive.

11. DC voltage close-loop control is achieved in the detecting unit on the basis of power balance theory.

12. When Mike's photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU, he must figure out how to balance his tight knit Italian neighborhood roots in Bay Ridge with the opportunity to emerge into the expansive, sophisticated world on the other side of the East River.
当Mike的摄影为他赢得了去NYU的奖学金时,他必须弄清楚如何去平衡他的??与进入广阔,复杂的世界East River的机会。

13. in the balance

13. The Institute possesses world-class research facilities and equipment for researching and exploiting series of products in line with the concept of acid-base balance, for realizing the industrialization of scientific research.

14. Some people try to get in extra exercise by toting a couple of light dumbbells, but fitness-walking experts say that's risky: The weights can pull you off balance and strain muscles in your back or legs.

15. In balance the Zhuge Xiansheng after the situation thinks the person of conditional at that time accomplish sth has 3 at that time, but it is difficult that Cao Cao is in talent many odd; Sun Quan is in husbands of sisters to be in power although Liu Biao of dimensional small; is kin but pedantry nearsightedness does not have a future.

16. Hydraulics mainly involves the rules of water balance and mechanical movement and the application in practice.

17. in the balance

17. So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury`s rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets.

18. Bull; So by Sunday September 21st support was coalescing around the Treasury's rescue proposal: that Congress authorise it to purchase up to $700 billion in mortgage and other assets in an effort to resolve the root of the financial crisis, which is the mountains of illiquid and uncollectible mortgage debt on financial institution balance sheets.

19. We make a proper transformation according to the structure of the equation at first, converting the equations into ordinary differential equation, then assume the solutionsform and balance the degree of F between the highest differential term and the highestnonlinear term in the ordinary equation to determine the concrete degree of F insolution form. Finally using computer algbra system mathematica software, we obtainthe exact solutions of Hirota-Satsuma equations.

20. Especially, environment-response polymers can be designed and synthesized with the different hydrophility/hydrophobicity property. The structure and the hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance of these polymers can be adjusted in molecular level; and more, these polymers can form assembly with the controlled size.

  • 临近词
Their Western Conference first-round game against Phoenix was hanging in the balance Saturday afternoon, when the Spurs accidentally turned to Tim Duncan for three.(周六下午,他们季后赛首轮对阵菲尼克斯的第一场,命运悬而未决,只是偶然,现在他们需要TimDuncan的三分球。)
The stock of debt that banks and households still carry will take years to pay off. The hole in the balance-sheet must be sealed before the economy can regain its bounce.(银行和家庭的债务要花几年的时间才能偿完,资产负债表的大坑也要先填平了,经济才能重归反弹点。)
Just six months ago, the real was plunging, blowing huge holes in the balance sheets of blue-chip companies such as pulp maker Aracruz Celulose SA.(仅仅6个月前,雷亚尔还在暴跌,造成纸浆生厂商AracruzCeluloseSA等蓝筹股企业的资产负债表出现了大窟窿。)
But there is now "a breakdown in the balance between the generations", thanks to the colossal size of one of them.(但现在,“在代际之间的”均势被打破,这归功于他们中之一的巨大规模。)
The other major advantage to FaceTime however, will take much longer to show its effects and, at the moment, its results hang in the balance.(然后苹果的另一个巨大的优势还需要很长的时间才能显现,目前来说,结果还是个未知数。)
The fate of Pierre Gadonneix, EDF’s departing boss, had hung in the balance for many months.(EDF即将离任的老板皮埃尔.加多内的宝座在过去几个月里已是岌岌可危。)
Both Citigroup and HSBC have tilted away from the rich world but their direction-consumer or corporate, China or the entire emerging world-remains in the balance.(花旗集团和汇丰都已撇开富裕国家。但是他们的意向——客户还是企业、中国还是整个新兴市场——依旧没有确定。)
World in the Balance: The Historic Quest for a Universal System of Measurement. By Robert Crease.(《变化中的世界:通用计量制度的历史追寻》,作者罗伯特•克利斯•W•W•诺顿,共288页,定价:26.95美元;20英镑。)
Overall, the outcome of what has become a civil war is still in the balance.(总之,这场内战的结果仍然势均力敌。)
This marks an extraordinary change in the balance of power.(这标志这军事力量平衡的一个显著改变。)
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